This project, undertaken during 2023-2024 (and building off the update from 2018) intended to build a system that is reflective of the mission and values of the Out On The Shelves Library, namely to “foster a free, accessible, and safe space for 2SLGBTQ2IA+ people and their allies to discover and share stories and resources centring on 2SLGBTQ2IA+ experiences” (About: Out On The Shelves). To this end, goals for the new system – approved by the volunteer team at Out On The Shelves Library during the planning process – include updated language, logical order and arrangement to enhance the browsing experience, as well as ensuring it is a living system which is responsive to context and community. The final goal is that a historical record will be maintained to promote transparency in how and why the system came to be the way it is.
Here you will be able to view both the old and new systems, as well as a visual “tree” of the hierarchical structure of the new classification system. If you have any questions (academic, personal, or otherwise) or are interested in further information please feel free to email us at outontheshelveslibrary@gmail.com
System used prior to 2023:

System used prior to 2018: